Portfolio Valuation: Life Sciences Investments

Pension Plan Needs Life Sciences Investment Portfolio Valuation


One of the largest international pension plans required valuation services in order to “mark-to-market” its life sciences investment portfolio.

The portfolio consisted of royalty, debt and equity investments in various biopharmaceutical and medical device companies and technologies.


Reviewed the pension plan’s original due diligence materials associated with each investment, including investment memoranda, primary and secondary market research, financial models, closing documents and internal committee presentation materials.

Conducted primary and secondary market research for each investment in order to understand changes to the underlying business (or asset) and market since the date of the original investment.

Developed valuation models catered to each investment to determine a current fair market valuation using income and market approaches, as appropriate.


RNA delivered its valuation findings, underlying cash flow forecasts and comps sets to facilitate the pension plan’s internal processes to value its life sciences investment portfolio.

RNA continues to work with the pension plan as it grows its portfolio.

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